In our last post, we discussed Brand Basics to offer some context before jumping into the component parts of a brand framework.

Now we jump into Brand Architecture. More specific to this post, we provide you with a framework to develop your brand qualifiers and brand values. We interpret brand and reputation as interchangeable.  

Brand reputation is the epicenter of success. How people see you. How people perceive products. What side of an issue people choose. How people decide to follow a leader.

Call it a brand. Call it a movement. Call it “The It” factor. Call it what you like. Reputation is crucial to success.

You are about to experience what a brand is all about. When delving into the brand elements, it’s important to look at the brand as a mix of what we are and what we aspire to be.

Brand Qualifiers/Values

Brand qualifiers relate to values, but also help represent the unique aspects of our brand personality.

These are the nuances that make us different and help define us. These also help provide structure for what is acceptable when it comes to presenting our brand voice. These are used to evaluate our actions before we take them. These are used to determine ideal customers and relationships to pursue.

Values guide all our actions and provide a lens for all to use when assessing whether a particular action or opportunity is consistent with our brand. From hiring to partnerships to client targeting and more, the following sample declarative statements provide an enterprise-wide value structure for all to follow.

What We Always Do

We always put safety first

We always follow through on our commitments

We always solve for each unique customer situation

What We Never Do

We never make promises we can’t or don’t intend to keep

We never cut corners for the sake of short-term gain

We never take our customers or colleagues for granted

What We Believe

We believe the more we invest in the relationship, the less price matters

We believe in doing the right thing, even when no one is looking

We believe our customers evaluate our brand with every interaction

What We Support

We support working only with and for those who see our offer as means to improve lives

We support active transparency in all of our offers to build trust with our customers

We support diversity and the value it brings by reflecting the world we serve

What’s Up Next?

In our next post on Brand Architecture, we will share insights to help formulate your Brand Mission, Brand Personality and Brand Voice.

[This post is an excerpt from our new eBook: Branding: Much More Than A Logo. It’s Your Northstar! Download here.]

You access easy-to-read, easy-to-implement guideposts to check your brand alignment or develop your brand from the ground up.

Branding: More Than A Logo. It's Your Northstar!

Karl Robe

Karl Robe

Principal Agency Owner